Tag Archives: Wedding Traditions

Wedding Gurus Ask, Does Love At First Sight Really Exist?


Eyes meet across a room. Music swells as internal temperatures raise. Perspiration beads above his upper lip as she begins to swoon. It must be low blood sugar on a balmy day. But then the music swells as their eyes connect deeper. She’s locked in his baby blues while he’s transported by her heavenly hazels. Oh, how Hollywood has ruined us for real life. Or has it? From the classics on the Silver Screen to modern day rom coms, the cliches remain consistent. And the world eats up the happily ever after phenomena. But does love at first sight really exist? And if not, what’s the point in making wedding plans at all?
Does Love at First Sight Really Exist?
The answer to that question has baffled poets, musicians, writers, psychologists, scientists, and married couples for centuries. You’d really think it was a simple yes or no answer, but as with so many other complex questions in life there are aspects that require deep discussion and exceptions. After all, what topic is more complex than love? Well, perhaps except divorce – which brings this topic full circle.
We all want that once-in-a-lifetime fit. That glass slipper if you will. Certainly love isn’t a fairy tale and it’s not meant to be. Those who expect never ending happiness without any type of challenge or resistance are bound to be miserable, especially in this day and age. Love is simply the beginning of commitment. And commitment is the embodiment of marriage.
But that spark. So many have felt it at the beginning of successful relationships that it can’t be ignored. And therein lies the catch-22. Like so many other things in life, the rules are there but living can’t really begin until those rules thoroughly broken. So then, we go back to the original question: Does love at first sight really exist? According to 58% of Americans, it definitely does… even though only 50% of them have actually experienced it personally. Science is split down the middle – for obvious reasons.
So Who Says What?
Considering Americans spend over $72 billion on weddings annually, online dating and hookup sites have no problem spending big bucks for research and cognitive findings on that first spark phenomena. According to most matchmaking sites, true love is absolutely real and nothing can be proven otherwise. Of course, psychologists claim it’s not quite that simple. While the brain is responsible for emotional behavior and beliefs, the organ is really the thought center of the body.
Psychology leans on the side of that first spark being lust over true love. After all, how can someone truly love another person after a simple glance or chance meeting? And while that makes perfect sense in logical form, thousands of couples still insist they knew their partner was the one from that first glance, hello, or touch. It was something internal unlike anything they ever felt with anyone else.
And those feelings – practically those words verbatim – are repeated time and time again. So then what makes love at first sight real love as opposed to lust? It all comes down to the people involved… how they define love, their belief systems, and what they need and expect out of life. But one thing is for sure. When those feelings are returned, that spark turns into fireworks. That’s what leads even the most solemnly sworn singles to give up their black books in exchange for making wedding plans.














Important items for your Wedding day


As a bride, many thoughts cross your mind while planning your event. For example, will I be happy with my flowers? Can I sit that person there? Will my wedding planner get my wedding style right, as well as a host of other things. On your wedding day, many things may go wrong, so it is important to plan for the little things that may not seem like a big  deal now, but on the d-day, they will matter a lot. Here is a list of items that may help.

Flip Flops are essential.

Be sure to have a pair of flip flops stashed within reach. The idea may not seem like it is a great one but when you look at the big picture, flip flops will come in very handy on your wedding day. How else will you give your legs a break like during long photo shoots. Also, Let your flip flops be stylish and match the theme and décor on the wedding day. There are so many fun, cute styles to choose from I say buy at least two pairs!

Pack your bags.

It is important to pack all the clothes and overnight items that you need for your honeymoon up front and leave it with a trusted person or in the car. This is because, after the wedding, you will not have time to go back and do the packing. Other aspects to consider are the toiletries and other items that the bridesmaids and groomsmen may need during the wedding. The bag should be marked properly and left in the care of a responsible & trusted person.

Your wing man…or woman.

You have to bear in mind that on your wedding day, you will be the center of attention. Therefore, everything, as pertains to planning and taking care of the vendors, will be out of the question on the wedding day. It is important to have a wedding planner but at the same time, the wedding planner might overlook some aspects that might ruin your envisioned wedding style. You will need somebody you fully trust to ensure that the venue has nothing left, the vendors have all received their checks and that the bridesmaids travel arrangements are taken care of after the wedding. Choose wisely.

Don’t sweat the small stuff.

The saddest comment to me is a recent bride saying that they were so overwhelmed by the commotion of the day that they forgot to enjoy the moment. Take the time to breathe in the day, sneak away for a stolen kiss with your new husband, watch as your family dances with abandon, laugh with all your bridesmaids throughout the day. It can be a magical day if you remember to enjoy it and live in the moment. Blink and the day will be over, it will be a shame to waste such precious moments on things that will be forgotten and overlooked.


Wedding Planning in Winter

Even though June may statistically be the most common month for weddings, it does not mean it is the only appropriate time of the year for a great celebration. Winter weddings are a popular option that can create a magical memory that is unlike any wedding held any other time of the year. Before anyone commits to a wedding during this time of year, there are many things they should consider first.

Just a quick visit to any party planning site will reveal that there are an endless amount of ways to decorate and plan a winter wedding. The decorations for this time of year are available everywhere, because a lot of Christmas and New Year’s Eve decor is perfect for a wedding celebration. Banquet halls with warm fireplaces and silver and blue or red and gold decorations are all perfect backgrounds for some stunning wedding photos.

During the winter, families are often in town visiting already because of the holidays. This makes it more affordable for out of town guests to attend weddings since they will not have to make a second trip in the summer for the event. However, holiday parties and busy schedules may make it difficult for friends to attend, and that should be remembered when making plans.

Money could be another issue because many are financially strapped during the winter. There are higher heat and utility bills, the holidays and an upcoming tax season. This is important for the bride and groom to consider too, because it could eventually restrict how they are able to celebrate their winter anniversary in the future.
Another concern, at least for those in northern climates, is winter weather. Just as a rain storm can ruin an outdoor summer wedding, snow and sleet could cancel a winter event. It could cause guests to be delayed or have their flights cancelled and could even lead to a honeymoon departure being delayed.
Winter weddings may not be for the excessive worrier or the faint of heart, but when they are planned correctly and make full use of the beauty of the season, few summer weddings can compare. Make certain to be aware of the pros and cons and use all of the party planning tips available to make a winter wedding a party that no one will ever forget.

Good Luck!


Creative “Something Blue” Ideas for Your Wedding

Creative something blue ideas for your wedding day

Everyone knows the age old saying “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.” Not only does your wedding dress and reception décor style speak volumes about your personality, but what you choose for “something blue” can be a fun way to show your creativity as well.

We’ve rounded up our favorite creative “something blue” ideas for your wedding to help light your spark for creativity:

A ribbon around your bouquet.

Blue ribbon around the bridal bouquet is a creative "something blue" idea for your wedding day.

Sew your wedding date on the inside of your wedding dress.


Sew a heart on the inside of your wedding dress.


Sew your initials on the inside of your wedding dress or on the groom’s cuff.

Sewing your wedding date or a heart or initials inside your wedding dress is a creative "something blue" idea for your wedding day.

Blue “I do” on your wedding shoes.


Or on both of  your wedding shoes.


Better yet, why don’t you  just make your wedding shoes blue.


Blue nail polish.


Or just blue nail designs.


Blue Garter.


Blue intimates.


Blue Necklace.


Blue charm bracelet. 




Talking To Mom & Dad About Contributing Towards Your Wedding

Wedding Etiquette: How to talk to mom and dad about contributing towards your wedding

Money is an incredibly tough subject these days, especially when dealing with an expensive event like a wedding. Don’t worry though, we’re here to help lay out the rules of etiquette when it comes to talking to Mom and Dad about contributing towards your wedding. .

Wedding Etiquette: How to talk to mom and dad about contributing towards your wedding

Talk to Your Fiance
Before saying anything to Mom and Dad, sit down with your fiancé and discuss your expectations. Make sure you get to a point where you both agree on your vision and how much it will cost. Be honest with each other about both families’ financial situations; you may find that you have to scale back on your original idea.

Wedding Etiquette: How to talk to mom and dad about contributing towards your wedding

Be Polite

Whether you speak to Mom and Dad by phone or in person, you need to be very polite when asking for money. “Ask, ‘Do you feel comfortable making a contribution to the wedding?’ Then let them suggest what’s best for them.

Wedding Etiquette: How to talk to mom and dad about contributing towards your wedding

Spell Out the Details
Once money is offered and accepted, other issues arise. Will your parents assume that they’ll have more control than you’d like? You’ll have to be clear that the buck stops with you and your fiancé. At the same time, be aware that their contribution does mean that they’re involved. Also, make sure they know that you’re asking for a gift, not a loan. Don’t borrow money. You don’t want to start your marriage in debt.

Wedding Etiquette: How to talk to mom and dad about contributing towards your wedding

Avoid Hurt Feelings
Remember that there are two sides of the family now: yours and his. If your own mom and dad offer to pay for half the wedding, you should run it by your future in-laws before you agree. Bruised feelings may result whenever people are put in a position to pay more or less than other people. This isn’t always about wedding etiquette, make sure you’re comfortable with who pays for what at the wedding. The same goes for divorced parents—discuss asking for money with both separately in order to see what each is comfortable with.

Wedding Etiquette: How to talk to mom and dad about contributing towards your wedding

Budget Wisely
Once you’ve accepted family contributions, create your wedding budget. Your job as a couple is to stay on track. It wouldn’t be proper wedding etiquette asking for money from your parents and then go over budget. If you’re planning to save up money yourselves during your engagement, decide how much you can set aside each month and keep a running total as you go; for each couple this will be different. For extra motivation, keep your tally displayed on your fridge. We suggest using a debit card for wedding-related purchases, so that these costs are immediately deducted from your account, making it easier for you to stay on top of what you have left.



The Significance Behind The “Flower Girl”

The Significance Behind The “Flower Girl”

The Significance Behind The “Flower Girl”


Many brides decide they want to have a flower girl in their wedding, usually to include a younger family member, or to have a pretty sprinkling of petals down the aisle. But there is actually significance behind the flower girl. Her purpose is to lead the bride forward and symbolize the innocence fading away, and her role as a mother and wife coming forward.

The Significance Behind The “Flower Girl”

The tradition began in Ancient Rome, where the flower girl serviced the bride and groom by carrying wheat and herbs. This was to bless them with prosperity and fertility. Throughout Western Europe, the only people who attended to the bride were those of youth. So all of the attendants in the wedding party were children. Finally, and the most notable of “flower girl visions” is the Victorian flower girl: a young, little girl in a white dress carrying a basket full of rose petals.

The Significance Behind The “Flower Girl”
Today brides still use flower girls in their wedding, and a lot of the time they prefer to choose a flower girl that will mirror their own image. Sometimes the flower girl wears a small version of the bride’s gown, though most of the time she wears a dress similar to that of the other bridesmaids, whether it is in color, style or both. She is to symbolize innocence, beauty and even good luck!


Though there aren’t many alternatives to a flower girl, if you’re not having one, you could simply give your guests petal cones and have them sprinkle the aisle as you walk down it. Petal cones make a great alternative to rice or bubbles, but in this case they would be used during the ceremony rather than after.

The Significance Behind The “Flower Girl”

And just in case you were wondering where the wedding ring bearer tradition originated? After a tireless search, it’s safe to say most have struggled to pinpoint the origin of the wedding ring bearer tradition. Some sources say the tradition was born in Ancient Egypt, where it was customary for treasured jewels to be carried on ornamental pillows during wedding ceremonies. Either way, it’s nice to have another young person included in the wedding party – if not just to make things super cute!